Oh wait! That is what I'm going to write about! (And the grammer may be a bit terrible, but it's late, and I might as well write this now while it's fresh in the mind than later, so excuse any spelling errors, punctuation missing and phrasing issues). Except this is about the project, not my life (although with all the time spent on this trebuchet, it might as well be my life at this moment), but I will write about eating a lot, so forgive me for being such a glutton.
So, I thought I'd list what we did in chronological order (the time frames may be rather skewed however--ie. add an -ish to the end of all times listed). This corresponds to building day 3, by the way. I could probably write most of this in that page, but that's more for our teacher marking us on the building process and documentation (it is necessary). This is for fun! (and brownie marks :) [hopefully]). Here we go! The day replay (sort of, what I could remember of it, at least, and from my point of view, and therefore completely biased, full of my thoughts rather than general observations[looking for that click here]):

3:50--We left school.

4:00--We go to Kim's house and haul all the supplies from the trunk into the house.

4:30--We go to Rona (for the 5th time! We should've asked for a work space there, or made the trebuchet in a corner of the shop, just have that equipment and materials in easy reach) We pass the salty guy on the phone and wave (back again? he thinks. us: and again and again and again...). There was a new guy at the chop shop. Less personable, I'm afraid. Plus he charged us. Honestly, we got charged $2 to get the piece of wood cut! Rip off!  So we went to the car, through the super secret sidedoor labelled "Contractor" entrance...and we didn't have to pay.(There was actually no cash register there so we walked out) Of course the salty dude (I really need to ask him for his name, blog post remind me!) was at the counter, probably figured we were just getting stuff cut which we were but it was free the last 4(?) times. He asked for photos when we are finished (Maybe I should write that on the trebuchet. All the people who want a picture of the it by the end. If only I had the names...). Tempting fate, (why not? we do it everyday anyways, working with all those power tools and everything) we went back to the chop shop to get the rest of our wood cut. (Beauty of "convenient" entrances, they make criminals out of all of us) Once that was done, he asked us for the school project and with our affirmation said that we didn't have to pay! Really? (I'm not sure what he thought we were doing...fixing up our house?)

5:30--We went to Mcdonald's (of course). We had the regular (by now) and sat for a dinner-before-dinner (albeit consuming more calories in this meal than we would in a day, and not keeping the hunger at bay quite as long. Ah well, McDonald's fries can only be so perfect.).

6:00--At Kim's we drilled holes and Kim went psycho driller play-acting with the drill as if it were an M16 or something (we fear for her sanity) and we played with (used safely and responsibly) our new toy (very dangerous WMD), the power sander. We strung the counter weight up and worked on the sling and pouch thing that the tennis ball rests in. There some pictures of Kim and Srishti learning to "knit" (*cough* "sew") where they were attaching a lacrosse head to a piece of fabric. (I'll try to remember to put them up with this post, but I'll probably forget. Here's to useless reminders!)

7:30--We decided to head outdoors to test out the trebuchet. Obviously it wasn't completely, well complete, but it was tennis ball chuckable. So we loaded it up and released (photo evidence to come!) it towards the lamp-lit street...and flew backwards, hit Kim's car and landed in the bushes. Figured out, the stiching on the head was coming off and there was no tape for a quick fix so we headed over to Kim's boyfriend's house for tape.

8:10--On the road. I actually know it's this exact time b/c there's an actual photo taken from my car dash proclaiming this to be true (give or take 5min). To get to Kim's BF's house there was a lot of left turns, and Kim got out of the car on the red to go and hit the the crosswalk button (photo on the way). Really, they were the worst backseat drivers I've had. Yellow? Go! Go! Let's not wait! I think this has been a most memorable driving day (Wow, that's a really bad sentence. But you get the gist, whoever you are).

8:30--We get back and load up the trebuchet and the ball continues to fly backwards. Make plans for tomorrow and clean up.

8:45--Srishti and I vamoose. I drive her home and go home too.

10:00-10:30--Writing this blog post and update website.

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