What an extrodinarily long day. I spent 12 hours at Kim's house building the base of the trebuchet, but at least it's out of the way. Well, we went back to Rona's. And we met the old british dude who told us we were making the biggest trebuchet he's ever seen. Go figure! Turns out, the british guy, who cut our wood for us at the chop shop--for free!( Thank you so much! (Those cuts would've thrown us over our budget since every cut is a dollar!) )--is also a organic chemistry professeur at a local college, and I got into a whole discussion with him about what sort of sciences and maths would be neccessary in college even though they aren't required. Quadruple thank you now--since we've had to run back there four times to get our wood cut--and hopefully we will once again remeber to bring you pictures of our trebuchet. I don't know who you are however in the spirit of these blog post nows I will identify you now by the moniker of "Chop shop guy". I'm sorry you didn't give us your name, we didn't ask, nor did you ask for ours so we didn't have to go through the whole rigamarole of pleasantries and introductions, but we'll see you again (and I'm writing like you'll  see this though you probably won't) sooner rather than later (Monday, actually). Cheerio for now! (Is that politically correct? I hope so.)

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