Srishti and Kim.
Hey there! After spending a good 2 hours arguing, I mean discussing like all 
rational human beings. We got hungry. So we had our "chauffeur" run out and grab some Mcdonalds fries. Honestly, I can just imagine years from now with Mcdonlds there in the background. Snapshot 1: As kids playing in the jungle gym our parents relieved to have us out of their hair for a while. The
overseers commiserating over their communal tiredness. Snapshot 2: Hanging at Mickey Ds with friends. Birthdays. After movies. Lunch (though not everyday! Gotta watch the waistline!). Snapshot 3: as featured to the left,
sitting on the floor munching on fries attempting to prevent low blood
sugar as going without feeding usually makes a person quite testy.

Kim and Srishti. Aisle 14, Rona. I was the photographer :) We should invest in masks for this project. Then no more psuedo-creep attire.This is what Friday nights are made of!
We should totally enter this in Mcdonald's "Tell me a Story" campaign. Although, how we would beat out the morbid ones about icky stuff in food (euphemism), I don't know.

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