It was snowing. It really sucked. Do you know how your hands swell up and turn red from the onset of frostburn and when you run it under a tap even under cold water, it's really painful? I did that 4 times today. We did pseudo-calibrations yesterday, however it was even colder and darker and altogether horribler, so we did it today from 4pm until 7pm. Notice the dark videos where the ball a just barely perceptible, yeah it was a long evening. We made it up to 30m anyway. Yay-ish! It works! I sincerely hope that our minor tweaks will help us win a couple bonus marks, for style maybe, for distance, eh. Our trebuchet works, yet I still wish we had more time to work on it. It took so long to build it that there was very little time to see how it worked and make lots of adjustments and just make it better. A week to build a trebuchet? I don't know. It's functional, but not the best.

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